Our philosophy

Our experience with Pendleton® Blankets and Native American Clothing.
We understand that price is very important to many people in Indian Country. There are many celebrations and events that are very significant among many tribes and pueblos all over the United States. Often times there are “giveaways”, which to Native Americans means that you give away something that is of value, and you share it with someone else. This gives honor to the recipient. In older generations, gifts such as buckskins, woven baskets, Pendleton® blankets or beaded jewelry were given at giveaways. Many of the same gifts are still given today with the addition of more practical items such as handbags or t-shirts.
Cost is usually an issue for the people who are responsible for providing the giveaway items. That is why it has always been our goal to provide our loyal customers with quality Native American products at a discount price. This school of thought also applies to people who want to buy our other Native American products, whether it is a wholesale account or someone buying a single item. We will continue to keep our prices low and our quality high so that we can be successful in our business while still making our customers happy.
We at Kraffs have tried to give our Native American customers the ability to select merchandise to fit their life style. Whether it is Pendleton® blankets, Pendleton® coats , Pendleton® jackets, Pendleton® vests , brain tanned buckskins , items for handicrafts or candles and bells for religious ceremonys, we have done our best to make these items affordable.